Parents and Teachers...
Teach Your Children How to Play the Recorder
No Musical Background Needed!
Volume 1 THE MAGIC FLUTE Music Curriculum Course for pennywhistle, recorder or pentatonic flute
I've never played an instrument before, but always wanted to. Jodie’s course has made learning really easy, not intimidating at all, and so much fun! I've enjoyed her lessons so much!
~Jennifer, mother of 2
Hey Parents and Teachers!
Do you want to teach your child to play music but don't know where to start?
As a parent, you know how important it is for your child to have a musical education.
But you may find yourself overwhelmed about teaching them when you don’t even know how to play!
You may not even have the time, energy or dedication it takes to teach your child how to play an instrument.
I know how that feels!
I have helped many parents who want to teach their children music, but they don’t have a plan, or know where to start or even how to teach their children.
I have also helped parents who are highly skilled musicians but don't know how to teach in a holistic or Waldorf way.
As a little girl, I remember wanting to learn how to play an Instrument, but it was way too stressful!
I was classically trained, it was highly stressful and competitive. Even though I was very talented, I din't feel like I fit in.
We were not taught in a gentle way, we were not taught to be creative or improvise, and we were not taught how to develop our ear- meaning we only read music.
I wanted to know how to play all those melodies stuck in my head and I wanted to make up my own songs.
It took the life, the joy and the fun out of the experience!
That DEAD feeling stuck with me.
So I created this course for parents, teachers, and children who want a better experience than when they were little.
I bring back the LIFE into learning music, LIVING MUSIC!
As a teacher of this approach over my 25 years of teaching music, I see everyone having FUN and having the best experience!
The Magic Flute is the best course to teach your child how to play the recorder in a fun way without the stress.
And by the end of completing this course you and your child will be playing the magic flute TOGETHER while gaining a new skill
AND you both will be eager for more FUN the next school year!
Hi, I'm Jodie, the creator of The Magic Flute
I am a mother of three kids, a private music teacher and course creator. I help my kids and students develop a love for music.
I created courses like The Magic Flute as I learned there’s more gentle ways to introduce music to our creative spirits that is also Waldorf-inspired from my days homeschooling our children and from the many flute and piano students I have worked with throughout my 25 years of teaching music.
Through my training, I’ve helped my kids, parents and children develop an ear for music, and become great musicians.
Most importantly, I’ve witnessed children and parents develop a strong relationship with each other.
I witness how music has transformed their lives.
Now I’m ready to help you do the same!

“What Exactly is the Magic Flute?”
The Magic Flute is a completely digital online course that teaches your child how to play the starter flute from the beginning of your chid’s 1st grade year to the end!
The “magic flute” is your child’s first blowing instrument.
Choose between a recorder, pennywhistle, or Choroi C Octa or pentatonic wooden flute, as any of these 4 flutes will work for this course.
You get to choose!
I even include helpful videos about each instrument in this course, so can figure out which is best for you and your child.
But if you want me to recommend a starting flute, I would say the pennywhistle, that is what I used with my 3 children.
I believe learning should be magical in a sense that we’re transforming your child into a skilled instrumentalist by the simple love of learning without the stress of a rigorous routine that some academic methods use to teach children how to play an instrument.
With my lessons, you don't just play music~ the music will LIVE in you.
That’s why I’ve created 20 detailed musical lessons for you and your little one to follow.
The most amazing thing about this course is you won’t feel like you’re learning, I’ve created this course to feel like absolute fun for you and your little one!
In this all inclusive course you’ll learn 8 notes, and you’ll only need to teach your child 3...yes only 3 notes.
The most amazing thing is that you and your child won’t feel like you’re learning,
throughout the course
you’ll play games,
do hand claps,
add movement to your routine,
or to circle time,
make up songs,
imitate sounds in nature;
making the course fun
and easy to follow,
and you can do these with all your kids, if you have multiple ages.
Watch an Actual Magic Flute Lesson
Taught By Jodie Mesler with her Niece, Alori, 6 years Old

Here's What You'll Get with The Magic Flute Course Music Curriculum
7 Teacher Lesson Video that will take you step by step. I’ll teach you:
- How to Play the Starter Flute
- Proper Hand Position
- How to learn for first 3 notes, then next, the other pentatonic notes
- Flute Techniques
- Tips on how teach your little student
- Tips on how to make practicing fun
- Tips on singing
- How to help your student gain self confidence
- How to troubleshoot any flute problems.
- Tips on how to teach in a gentle, holistic, and Waldorf-inspired way
- All taught to you in an easy, sing-song, by ear approach without having the stress of reading music
Storytelling to help you get your child started on their musical journey.
get access to the story now
I’m going to help you and your little one build your musical relationship before you get started, this live storytelling will help you and your child get excited about the starter flute!
How To Pick The Perfect Starter Flute:
I’ll help you figure out which flute is best for you out of your 4 choices.
- Recorder
- Pennywhistle
- Choroi C Octa Flute
- Choroi Pentatonic Flute
Step by step practice videos, with easy to follow plans.
BONUS: Learn how to knit a flute case for your new instrument, which follows the Waldorf homeschool curriculum.
- How to Knit
- How to Make a Flute Case
- Knitting Pattern
- Get Two New Skills: How to Knit and How to Play the Starter Flute
20 Lessons that include videos with step by step help on how to teach your child by ear without reading music.
I’ll break down each skill within each lesson:
1. Listening
You get to first develop listening in this magical way: Learn how to play a summoning song on your magic flute. Think of yourself as the Pied Piper as you begin each lesson this way. Your child will come running to you when they hear you play the summoning song on the flute. Many parents have used this to start their circle time each school day. My kids loved this! And this is the first step in creating magic! I promise your child will come running every time they hear you play the summoning song!
2. Tone
At this point, you have picked your favorite magic flute that you love because of the sound and ease of playing.
We chose the pennywhistle for our kids and I demonstrate the lessons using it. You will get ideas on how to teach the wonder of tone. It's all about the discovery of sound as you allow this special TONE time to help your child figure out how it the flute makes a sound.
3. Notes
You, the teacher, will only use the Pentatonic Notes for the first 2 years. You can easliy master 7 notes!!!!
E1 D1, BAG, E and D
Here is a playful way to remember the note names: A little boy named Ed [E1 D1] took his hiking bag [BAG] down the hill to his father, Ed [ED]
Your child will only learn the 3 easy ones to play on the flute which are B, A, and G.
We don't use notes C or F. These notes are taught in 3rd grade. If you would like a great introduction to the pentatonic notes and why they are so amazing, I wrote a piano course especially for you so you can get a great foundation in understanding the importance of the pentatonic notes. Check out Playful Pentatonic Piano.
4. Rhythm
To teach rhythm there are 3 different ways.
- By making up a rhythm on the flute, then your child copies it, called Call and Response.
- I have selected familiar verses to make teaching rhythm super easy for you. See example lesson below, Jack and Jill.
- I have selected a hand clap for each lesson, no flute required, just simply teach rhythm by using those hand claps you may have learned as a child like Miss Mary Mack.
5. Sing and Play a Song
When a lesson is taught, we use singing and playing together.
By the end of the course your child will be singing and playing 3 notes songs like:
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, one a penny two a penny, hot cross buns.
6. Improvisation
A creative addition to this course is learning to make up your own melody or song. I give you the starting ideas on how to be creative with up to 3 notes. In this example, we will only use 1 note.
- Idea- a blue bird
- Artistry- sweet, happy, upbeat
- Notes- B, Now make up a melody with this idea and artistry in mind using one note. Take this one note and play the note, lifting the finger off and on quickly to sound like a sweet blue bird.
7. Game
I came up with a musical game for each lesson, like Listen and Freeze. Play some melodic notes while dancing. Have the kids dance with you as they hear you play. Then stop playing as you stop dancing and say, "freeze!" Then you continue, again and again, with just playing, moving, stopping, and freezing. They will imitate you! Some of my students do this with their little brothers and sisters, too. Once they learn it from you.
Hear What This Mom Has to Say
“I think you’re amazing! Thank you so much! The way that you are teaching is mind blowing! It’s so accessible to the kids….”
What Moms and Dads Are Saying About This Course
I have to rave about Jodie Mesler's The Magic Flute Volume 1! I just finished the first lesson and cannot believe how easy it was for me to play the pentatonic flute! I have been feeling like I might not be able to teach my 6-year-old daughter the flute in September. Now I know that I can do it, and Jodie already has the lessons all planned out for me in her course! ~Nichole
I’m a total beginner in playing musical instruments. But I know how important music is for young children. So being a homeschooling mom, I purchased The Magic Flute full course. Right from the start, I could make a pleasant sound on my recorder, that means that Jodie explains it so well in her program, that a beginner like me could get it right away and so fast. For example, she was great at explaining how to slur, which is when you blow two or more notes together in one stream of air. I got the course only a few weeks ago, and surprisingly, we already do our music classes with my 4 children. My kids totally love it! They are ages: 10, 7, 4, and 1. I can already imagine how much new music we are going to have here, thanks Jodie, for your wonderful program! ~Evgania
I am SO looking forward to making music with my kids! I learned to play in a very strict environment and I definitely want to make it a pleasant relaxing experience for my kids. I really am so excited to share this with my kids. I think it's wonderful! ~Kristina
I have been lucky enough to attend Jodie’s recorder sessions at Taproot Teacher Training in Ohio and she made this ogre fingered dad create fairy inspired notes within 45 minutes so I trust her judgement and knowledge on the subject of teaching music to children. Her insight and love of the pennywhistle has inspired me to choose it as my 6-year-old daughter’s first instrument. The entire Waldorf approach to the lively arts cultivates a child’s thirst to learn through play and she has touched on those points throughout her course. ~Joe
I started The Magic Flute course with my daughter a little over a month ago. It has been magical to discover your course. I was looking for an organic approach to teach music. I have some musical background but it was always overly academic and I am very self conscious about it. Finding your curriculum feels like I finally have a way for us both to approach this thing I have always wanted for my family. ~Paige
The first thing I would say is that as someone who is not very musically literate, particularly when it comes to wind instruments, Jodie’s orientation about how to choose a flute is SO VALUABLE. Music is such an investment, and her course gives parents the information they need in order to know how to best spend their money.
Secondly, I loved the way Jodie explained the differences between the different flutes and why certain flutes work best for young children. That was so very helpful.
She really has an incredible teaching gift. I love that she breaks things down in very manageable pieces. I never feel overwhelmed. I also love that you don't have to know a ton in order to begin playing, right away. My 8-year-old son sat with me while she was teaching and followed along. He was very engaged. He wants a pennywhistle! ~Amy
You Can Also Teach Multiple Kids Like This Mom
Meet Evagnia, mom of 4, ages 11, 8, 6, and 3, of Blossoming at Home. She made this video for us.
I like how Evgania is to able to successfully bring music education to her children with enthusiasm, joy, and fun!
I liked watching her teach them the Bird Call in the NOTES section for Lesson 1, they made such nice bird sounds on their recorders. They have chickens and you can hear them in the background. How sweet!
I liked watching Evagnia show her 11-year-old daughter how to play the songs, she caught on so fast and played so well.
It was so beautiful to see the way her 6-year-old son followed along, simply by listening and imitating his mom and his big sister, as he took his turn. It's like having two teachers in one.
Also, you will see her young 3-year-old daughter come joyfully in and out of their music class blowing her flute, too cute!
Having multiple ages in one music class is very attainable and it's fascinating to watch them learning on all different levels and taking it in, in their own living way.
Which is the key to success~ Living Music~ watch music come alive in you and your child.
Taproot Moms Write a Song
These talented moms quickly wrote a beautiful 3 note song after taking my music class at Taproot Teacher Training. Most of these moms had little music experience. I am amazed at what we all came up with in such a short time.
Together, we are playing a recorder, 3 pennywhistles and a Choroi Pentatonic flute. Watch, "Let Your Light Shine."
I am ready to give my child the gift of music!
Gain new skills and train new skills at the same time with your child
Get the Bundle
When you buy both courses you save $77!